In addition to completing all the requirements for a NYS diploma, students are required to complete the NOCTI CTE certification exam in May of their senior year. The complete list of all requirements are available from Mr. Kelly.
By the Spring of senior year, students should have completed 100 hours of community service for an endorsement on their diploma. They can ask their packvisor or Mr. Rogers for opportunities and stay up to date with school announcements as well as seek opportunities in their community.
Senior Dues are a necessary fee so that Seniors can have a special graduation ceremony at the end of the year. The dues are $250 and include: Cap/Gown/Tassel; Graduation Space Rental; Speaker; Diploma with case; CTE Endorsed Diploma; Invitations for Graduation; Sitting fee for Senior Photos; Yearbook; T-shirt; Graduation Bag; Awards Night. Senior Dues are expected to be paid in full before the Spring semester of your senior year.
During the Fall of senior year, students will be applying to colleges and filling out financial aid paperwork. Mr. Rogers’s College Class will handle all of these details. Parents should be aware that students will be needing tax paperwork and financial information throughout this process.
Cherish the memories! The Yearbook represents the only complete record of this particular school year that will ever be published. The yearbook is a 92-page full color book that has the option to customize two full pages with pictures that will only appear in your book! Support the yearbook and check for upcoming information in your Mather email!
In order to attend the Senior Trip or Prom, students must be academically on track to graduate. Specifically, if any student is failing a course by Spring semester of Senior year, or has failed a course needed for graduation the student will not be permitted to attend the Senior Trip or the Prom. In addition, if there is any concern for student safety due to recent disciplinary action, the student may be excluded from all extracurricular activities. The average cost of the prom is $100 and the average cost of the senior trip is $425. These fees are in addition to senior dues. There will also be an opportunity for all seniors to participate in Senior Dinner and purchase a Senior Ring if they choose. While these are not required, many parents and guardians want to support their senior in these opportunities – but they can be expensive! We understand this and we encourage you to plan ahead. Please speak to Mr. Mayer or Ms. Dobarganes if you have questions or concerns.
All seniors must attend graduation rehearsal. Students cannot effectively participate in graduation ceremonies if not present at rehearsal. Additional information regarding graduation procedures (caps and gowns, tickets, venue, processional, diploma distribution, etc.) will be provided in a timely manner.
Per NYCDOE policy, students must meet promotion/graduation requirements to participate in their school’s moving up or graduation ceremony. In addition, a student who is already on suspension at the time of the graduation or other commencement-related activities may be prohibited from attending when he or she poses a real threat of violence or disruption to the event; the exclusion must be proportionate to the infraction committed.