Decorative Finishing
It’s Not How You Start; It’s How You Finish.
Decorative Finishes: Interior/Exterior Painting, Plastering, Faux Finishes
Decorative finishes—painting, faux finishing, and gilding—provide the final touch and the finest layer in building construction. Of all the building trades, decorative finishing is the most “artistic.” Its practitioners work at an architectural scale and on architectural surfaces that many fine artists never explore. Here, chemistry class gets a practical application as students apply what they have learned to mixing, creating and working with paints, turning plain wall surfaces into expanses of exotic wood grain, gleaming marble, expressive murals, and opulent metals.
If you like the idea of turning the ordinary into the extraordinary, and of being an artist while also being gainfully employed, then the Decorative Finishes path at Mather is where you belong.\\
Decorative Finishes
Decorative Finishes: Interior/Exterior Painting, Plastering, Faux Finishes
Decorative finishes—painting, faux finishing, and gilding—provide the final touch and the finest layer in building construction. Of all the building trades, decorative finishing is the most “artistic.” Its practitioners work at an architectural scale and on architectural surfaces that many fine artists never explore. Here, chemistry class gets a practical application as students apply what they have learned to mixing, creating and working with paints, turning plain wall surfaces into expanses of exotic wood grain, gleaming marble, expressive murals, and opulent metals.
If you like the idea of turning the ordinary into the extraordinary, and of being an artist while also being gainfully employed, then the Decorative Finishes path at Mather is where you belong.