CTE at Mather » CTE at Mather

CTE at Mather


For Students

  • Opportunities to learn by doing, to work with their hands and tools, and to apply knowledge
  • Ability to explore and begin learning the craftsmanship of carpentry, masonry, decorative finishes and landscaping
  • Chances to demonstrate their creative and artistic sides
  • Internships, job-shadows and other work-based experiences outdoors and on job sites with industry leaders
  • Graduate with a Regents Diploma, CTE Endorsement, and real-world employable skills 

For Parents

  • A safe and supportive environment where students are known well, personally guided, and taught to self-advocate 
  • Small academic classes that feature problem-based learning with real-world application so that students can answer the question: Why do I need to know this?
  • Open communication with teachers and staff, access to curriculum, continuous school updates and easy monitoring of student progress
  • The security of knowing students will have many options for after high school and well into life